How Digital Marketers can improve Fu**ing Sales, The Wolf of Wall Street way

The Wolf of Wall Street is one more movie which impresses me so, me penning down something about it. Like in my previous articles about inspirational movies for Blogging or Digital Marketing, world, here is one more thought to be shared with all my friends. I assume you have already watched the Leonardo DiCaprio starrer Hollywood film, The Wolf of Wall Street because it can not be missed as it was rated 8.3 points on IMDB.


As Digital Marketers we need to focus on a lot many things, specially when we want to increase sales via Digital Making. So how this movie can motivate your sales efforts? A most critical part of the movie and for digital marketers, one should learn from Jordan Belfort (Leonardo) we should keep us motivated and keep the things going on.

Identify Need & Urgency

This is critical for any  Digital Campaign if you can’t identify urgency for the sale and show that to your potential customers, you might lose them.  If you can’t identify urgency then create one, same as you can see in the following video.

You can see that when Jordan (Leonardo) was asking Brad (Jon Bernthal) to “Sell Me The Pen”,  he simply asked Jordan to write his name and he realized, he is not having the pen. Being a Digital Marketer you must keep eye on opportunity not only for your business but also for your client’s business too.

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You must have a proper landing page which creates urgency for the user to fill up the page for an Inquiry or generate sales for you. Have graphic-rich banner which generates curiosity about Brand/Product and the user will click it more, this is how you will improve your Click Through Rate (CTR) as well as gain more visitors.

Action Items

  • Improvise advertising copy text
  • Check PPC Graphics
  • Make Landing Page user-friendly
  • Your Social Media posting should give the “call for action”
  • Realize your prospect user ‘why it is important’

Team Motivation

Irrespective you are Digital Marketer or CEO or any management person, Team motivation is must thing for the organization. In the movie, if you have seen, how Jordan was motivating his team. It was an awesome approach. The entire team felt so motivated that they started shouting (literally) and as a leader, your job is done.

All you have to do today is pick up that phone and speak the words that I have taught you, and I will make you richer than the most powerful CEO in the United States of fucking America”

– Jordan Belfort, The Wolf of Wall Street

Action Items for leaders

  • Seat with the team and motivate them for having higher ranking, Good CTR, High Engagement on Social Media
  • If needed teach the team how Social Media engagement will improve
  • Motivate or educate them to do some out of box things like Duplicate Content for eCommerce SEO or How to Get Your Site to Rank Well on Search Engines
  • Congratulate them every time when your ranking goes higher, your PPC is doing better, your Social Media go viral or your Email conversion ratio will shoot up.
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Nothing is Impossible

During the entire movie, if you might have noticed that Jordan had never ever felt he lost the game. He kept on trying and trying, eventually, he won the game.  Life is all about problems but you are the one who chooses to how you should take it. For people like Jordan, Dhirubhai Ambani and many other business tycoons “Problems are opportunities”, they have the ability to convert every problem into opportunities.

For Digital Marketers, problems like not getting ranking, PPC campaigns are not performing well or Social Media issues but they want to come out of it. For SEOs, you must avoid common SEO mistakes and focus on various Keywords on various pages.

Action Items

  • Want first-page ranking? Try to focus on alternative keywords, Schemes, Page loading time etc
  • Want an effective eCommerce paid campaign? Check out Product Feeds, Remarketing campaigns
  • Do some innovative ideas for Social Media which can go viral

Choose a good path

We all know that Jordan used to pump and dump stocks and that is kind of illegal activity and he had been to jail for that. He changed his path later on and became a motivational speaker, this is how you should stop doing unethical digital marketing practices if you are doing any.

Google’s main object for rolling out Panda and Penguin search engine updates is simply to stop web spamming and unethical SEO practices. The same way Facebook, Twitter and other network keep taking preventing actions for better results.

Action Items

  • Never use Black Hat SEO, if you are doing it stop it immediately
  • You should not buy fake Facebook Fans or Twitter Followers, try to gain through genuine ways
  • There is no shortcut for traffic improvement or any Digital marketing activity
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So what’s your suggestion for this post and let me update on whether I have missed anything which I was supposed to cover. And Keep watching good movies.

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