All you wants to know about WordCamp Baroda

WodCamp Baroda

Do you love WordPress and want to know more about WordPress coding or Blogging or any other aspects ? Want to meet WordPress loving people and gain/share knowledge about WordPress ?

If you agree on all / any points then WordCamp Baroda is the event for you and if you are reading this now that means you missed the chance. Never mind WordCamp Mumbai is coming up soon.

What is WordCamp ?

WordCamp is a conference that focuses on everything WordPress. It’s way to meet and greet WordPress lovers. It may be Blogger, Programmer, Digital Marketing, SEO, Author, Consultant, Corporate person, Geek or anyone but the common things between all is WordPress.

Just to update you that first ever WordCamp was held at San Francisco, USA in 2006 and then it started across the globe very soon.

I am one person who missed first WordCamp which was happened at Delhi after Delhi, I was part of every WordCamp across the India and of course feeling proud for that.

What I learn from WordCamp Baroda ?

 There are many awesome speakers were part of WordCamp Baroda. Check the following list of speakers. [Alphabetically shorted]

 Annkur Agrawal

Talk of Annkur was really great and it was more about Mobile generation is coming or already came for few verticals and that too in India. He shares some insight about how his journey started with Blogging / WordPress and so on.

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As per Annkur, the top search engine for India is YouTube, which is little surprise to me as well. One more notable thing was in mobile devices “Opera Mini” is one of the leading browser.

Harsh Agrawal

Harsh Agrawal is one of know Indian blogger and Founder of ShoutMeLoud

Harsh’s talk was about WordPress SEO . He share list of some wonderful plugins. Check the following list.

1. Author Link : For Google Authorship

2. Digg Digg : For adding Social icons

3. Google XML Sitemaps : For creating XML Sitemaps

4. SEO Friendly Images : For image optimization

5. WP Robots Txt : For writing robots.txt

6. Date Exclusion SEO : To exclude dates showing on SERPS for better CTR

7. SEO Smart Links : For internal linking

8. WP Total Cache : For increasing server performance

I must pass credit to Gaganpreet Singh who posted this list on his Facebook wall.

Jaydip Parikh

The surprise part was for me that one of participant came to me ask me about my recent blog post about Do relationship link building, I was so surprise that people are reading this in so details.

Do not feel surprise if anyone says that WooCommerce is part of The Top 5 Most Popular eCommerce Platforms

Anyways you can check my PPT as follows,

King Sidharth

King Sidharth is one more speaker who is one of regular speaker during few WordCamps. He talk about Typography during his WordCamp talk, as per this blog post he is going to post slides soon.

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Some quick notes take by Gaganpreet

  • Web is made up of 90% of text
  • Use font size between 16px to 18px
  • Recommended letter spacing – 1px
  • Recommended line height : 1.6em
  • Use Font Face. Recommended : Open Sans, Ubuntu, Roboto
  • Use Responsive Typography

Recommended Tool to create perfect typography “Golden Ratio Typography Calculator”

M Nagarajan

He is an IAS officer with Gujarat Government. His presentation was really engaging and best part of his presentation was he wants to develop WordPress community which can help to solve Government problems with WordPress.

Prasath Nadarajah

Prasath is part of Automatic team and he specially travel from Srilanka for WordCamp Baroda. He talked about Extending WP with Filters and Actions. I am not that much geeky so can ‘t explain more about the session.

Samuel Sidler

Samuel is one more Geek from team Automatic. His discussion about how we should contribute to WordPress. This session was like how people are contributing for WordPress community. I feel more and more Indian should start doing this.

Saurabh Shukla

He is the man, how simply he explains about Hooks is really creative. Saurabh tried to make it the simplest version of Hooks.

Siobhan McKeown

Siobhan discussed about Creating Reality: How Free Software empowers us to control our World. And I also do believe that WordPress really empower many individuals and that’s why now close to 20% of Websites are on WordPress.

Sathish Nagarajan

Sathish was co-speaker with me at WordCamp Jabalpur too and his session was one of the engaging session at WordCamp Jabalpur and the same thing repeat at WordCamp Baroda too, he discussed about Creating Large Scale Web Apps using WordPress.

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Checkout his PPT as follows.

Over all it was really great experience at WordCamp Baroda. BTW what was your experience ?

About The Author

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